Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday... Oriental Poppies

Today has turned into an Oriental Poppy Day...

I've been having a lot of snail problems with the poppies, so I often nurse the blackened stemmed victims indoors...

I loved these poppies as a child, and my mum always called them 'Granny Poppies’, although I think she probably made that name up... 
They've been in this garden, apparently for ever, and this is my son about 11 years ago ( in hand made trousers, I’d like to point out.. ), in those heady days before there was a far less serious snail situation...

Yesterday all looked well, but there was a lot of rain in the night, and although this morning there was a cluster of annual lovliness...

There was also this...

Not wanting to waste their fleeting beauty, I introduced them to The Table...

...added some texture ( I’ve had that curved stone on the left, by the way, since I was 7...I dug it up in the garden of some elderly family friends, and was utterly convinced that it was the tip of a mammoth’s brother was very into fossils at the time... )

and then found them their snail-free light...

( well...almost! )


  1. Oh my goodness--these are lovely! I had no idea the stems were so thorny/woody! I love being able to see more of your world, too!

    1. They’re amazing aren’t they! The stems are really hairy, but I think they look woody because the snails seem to suck all the green out and leave them dark brown and wilting!! So pleased you’re enjoying looking into another corner of my world!

  2. How beautyful!!! My son loves poppies, as I on the other hand find them to be my least favourite flower. When I was a child I was downright scared of poppies, and to this day I have no idea why.

    1. That’s so funny that you were scared of them! I sort of know what you mean; they’re pretty much ‘in your face’ flowers and those centres look downright alive! I absolutely love seeing green fields full of common poppies though.

  3. poppies are so whimsical and beautiful. I am trying to grow them this year in my garden... things are just starting to develop so hopefully it'll be in the mix somewhere.

    1. They’re amazing aren’t they...I also have a new poppy this year; a lovely purple one. Good luck with yours too!
