Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I have one buddleia in my garden...a very light purple one.
But neighbours on either side have two slightly different shaded dark purple buddleias... which overhang into my garden!
I picked two massive bunches from my own garden this week and they are making the house smell amazing, so I thought I’d snip some of the overhangers too...

the selection of neighbourly purples...
...combined with sweet pea, lavender, perennial pea and bronze fennel ( I’m very proud of this purple fennel, as last year I picked a teeny seedling from a crack in a pavement, planted it in the garden and now it’s about 5ft tall and just about to flower! )
...I thought that the valerian, hydrangea and heuchera flowers added to and complimented the buddleia textures...

with the heuchera leaves echoing the purples and pinks, and the poppy heads acting as a good contrast...
I chose one of my favourite ceramic vases...

...and started with the buddleia and hydrangeas before the adding the valerian and the other green textures and props.

I really like the bold geometry of this black and white pencil as it often works as good visual punctuation, and this aqua colour always sits so well alongside pinks and purples...

I also have a strange little doghnut vase which belonged to my other grandma ( Florence ), and which is hugely useful for little snippings which I either I cut off and don’t use in the large arrangements or for flowers and leaves which I rescue after a flower and petal composition...
It’s quite an odd vase because really you have to look at it from above... perfect for the table!


  1. so beautiful!
    it's an explosion of summer color! ♥

    1. Thanks so much Catie...the garden is looking scruffier by the day at the moment though...August is a strange month in the garden :D
